Logotipo Dhemen

Evolving along with the needs of their clients brings Lazpiur a precious challenge: Transform their organisation through design.

The new brand strategy developed by Dhemen for Lazpiur is reflected in its new pledge: “Accurate Works” and all of its consequences: new product ranges, formal language, fresh narrative and visual system, a new brand image and a new HQ and production facility.

Lazpiur is a brand offering novel machining solutions and high-precision mechanisation throughout highly diverse sectors, each and every one requiring an elevated degree of specialisation and knowledge of the field

With their two distinct and independent business lines—machining and mechanisation—converging in a singular branding narrative, made tangible and validated across both lines, forming one of the main challenges of the project and, together with the new product range, the principal and most notable change to the new Lazpiur.

Ingraining the brand values in their product is key when defining the visual identity of the new H1 and H2 high speed pin insertion machines.

Now assembled on a new structure, and integrating all the necessary elements for optimal operation, the user is granted full access to the interior and is in control of information and quality at all times.

To this end, the combining of perfectly controlled and defined transparencies, along with exhaustive lighting development, colour treatment and the validation of one prototype after another, has achieved the results demanded by the initial project.

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